NEWS Bullets/Awards/Press acknowledgements:
- March '21 The Fund for Lake George & the Lake George Association announced that they will merge. The new association will keep the Lake George Association name. The merger is expected to be ratified late spring.
- March '21 APWQC wrote a resolution supporting a Septic Inspection Program administered by the LGPC, and presented this document to all town boards surrounding the lake, requesting them to vote to support the resolution.
- Tuesday, June 8, Queensbury Supervisor John Strough informed us that Queensbury voted to support the resolution, being the 6th of the 9 lakefront towns to offer their support.
- June 9, 2021 The New York State Assembly has approved a bill to combat invasive aquatic species, extending the 2014 measures that expired last month. This bill, presented by Assemblyman Billy Jones focuses on preventing the spread through regular inspections AND educating boaters. See complete article in "The Sun Community News" below.
- Spring 2023, Matt Simpson's "Women of Distinction Award" to APWQC executive Director, Dr. Lorraine Ruffing: