2016 The Lake Champlain Basin Program has awarded the APWQCoalition a 2016 $4000 grant to continue its work around local buffer, rain garden, driveway remediation for storm water, swale projects. It has supported the organization of a shoreline snorkel swim which will educate residents on types of plants and invasives, and, notably algae, off our docks and shorelines. It supports algae tests and the inventorying of findings to chart yearly observations. It supports expansion of our newsletters to 3x yearly, upgrading of our website, the publication of Dr. Adamson's book to make a welcome packet for newcomers and some equational outreach fliers.
Thank you to Bill Mason and Walter Lender for letters of support to obtain this grant.
Thank you to Gould's Landscaping for expanding their services to include native tree and deep woody shrub planting along lake shorelines. To the right: Travis St. Clair installs a "juniperus communis" at 167 Assembly Point Road
Thank you to Kathy Bozony for leading the 2016 snorkel swim, for gathering algae samples and for collating results of the swims.
Thank you to Corrina Parnapy of Avacal Biologics for algae testing
Thank you to Golub Foundation for support in shoreline buffering at Shore Colony with native shrubs and trees.
The Golub Foundation for a grant for installation of a planting project to address run off;ongoing spring 2016. The Shore Colony Association will install buffer trees along the dock side embankment, using these funds
2018 Lake Champlain Basin Program Snorkel Swim and Algae testing grant
The APWQCoalition received donations from various Assembly Point residents and we thank you for your support.
We received a $2000 start up grant from the Lake Champlain Basin Program for creation of this website, for two newsletter printings and mailings and for support for buffer and showcase projects.
Amanda Metzler of the Post Star for her article about our retrofits and buffer projects at 167 Assembly Point Road
Blu Lake George Consulting
Warren County Soil and Water, Tom Jarrett and Chris Navitsky for consultation on Sunset Lane Project
Town of Lake George for passage of the highest standard to date of the fertilizer restriction law
Corrina Parnapy, Fund for Lake George for algal testing